I'm Srajan Soni

Software Developer and Web Designer

My Experiences

Web Developer Intern

The Sparks Foundation

I had developed a web application that was based on bank transactions among multiple users. I used Django Framework for this web application

Guiness world record event


I have Participated in this world record event and learn about 'how to build a face recognition application using python'

Azure Developer League

Microsoft Learn

I have Participated in Azure Developer League challange in which I had to complete one course from microsoft learn within 2 months also had to share that achievement in LinkedIn. At last I won Goodies from Microsoft.

Brand Ambassador Internship


In this Internship , I had promoted courses of tutedude to many groups and social media.

Contact Me

Jabalpur , M.P.

Contact : 8357874055

Email: srajansoni400@gmail.com

Let's get in touch. Send me a message: